
Gallifrey - The Story - The Doctor

They said there was a mad man that traveled through time and space with a blue police box. That mad man was ‘The oncoming storm’, the savior, the healer of time. He is the Doctor.

The Doctor was a man that was always on the run. No one could quite pin down why he did run. Though there are few that knew his true history, the Master might be one so was his beloved wife- the Infinity.The Master once joked to the Doctor about the Infinity that the Doctor was willing to go into such degree simply to protect her from harms. In the end, the Doctor did protect the Infinity to the very end as he time locked Gallifrey while risking in all cost to bring the Infinity to Earth as her timeline would able to continue on Earth.

The Doctor at first arrived at Earth with his granddaughter, at that time the Infinity was held locked down into the very heart of the Eye of Harmony while the Doctor got castes out from Gallifrey. He wouldn’t say the reason behind it, though Susan did mention often she would see her grandfather lingering in deep sorrow. Maybe, it was the thought that he would never see his beloved one again.

Life for the Doctor was often full of adventure, and he always felt the pain of not knowing if the Infinity was safe.He held her secret to the deepest of his mind. The Infinity was the core of Gallifrey, she was ultimately the actual timeline of Gallifrey, and she is time itself. He feared what the Time Lords would do to the Infinity when her secret was found.

It wasn’t until his fourth incarnation that he was able to hold onto the Eye of Harmony into his TARDIS as he rescued her out of the dying star. The Infinity wrapped around him as she gently surface through his emotion, just like all his childhood had been. She was the one that taught the Doctor every secret among the world; she was the only one in time that could trembled the Doctor’s twin heart.

Their history was just a tangle of time. Even the Doctor wasn’t sure what happen between his fourth incarnations up to his eighth incarnations. The Infinity and the Doctor had traveled around everyplace as they held every adventure dearly to heart. However, the war broke out.The Doctor tried desperately returning back to Gallifrey to help as he watched the Infinity suffered with great pain. There was nothing he could do to stop her suffer. He tried to save the others along his way, yet seem to not able to do much. The anger was simply boiling deep among his heart. Maybe it was why he ended up in the sisterhood of Karn. The sisterhood didn’t recognize the Infinity as he begged them to help her; he begged them to look back at their gods to remember who Time was. The sisterhood made the deal as the Doctor could regenerate into whomever he wish enable to stop the war, while the Infinity would stay with the sisterhood. He simply agreed in the end.

In the end, everything ended.

That was how it started for the Infinity in her life on Earth as the Doctor brought the dying Infinity to the start of Earth and laid her body onto the very rock that would start the formation of Earth. Time had a funny thing of living on, and the Infinity was time so shall she lived on.

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